Saturday, October 31, 2015

Kaden and Klein's birthday

We helped brothers Kaden and Klein celebrate their 3rd and 1st birthday on Halloween! I didn't take many pictures but Kori did a great job party planning. There was pumpkin painting, a skeleton craft, bounce house and more. A great way to kick off our Halloween festivities.

October phone dump

Disneyland selfie
Silly girl put her foot up on the bar anytime she was in the seat.. ha

Daddy and son haircuts

Feeding herself a pouch

Fun at Daddy's work party! 

Playing with big brother's toys- thankfully because he has a lot of them!

These two making pasta together- Hudson loves to help in the kitchen and it's sweet to watch them work together.

Shaving in the bathtub

Watching rocks be slung into our backyard... it was loud

I think I'll touch this tower my brother built

Fun with scarves at the library story time

Balance beam practice 

Target shoppers

The Very Hungry Caterpillar felt story (my teaching stuff does come in handy)

She enjoys the busy board and finding new things to push, click pull and chew on.

Fun at Roloff Farms- he points out the farm each time we pass it on our way to Matt's parent's house.

Happy 3rd birthday Hudson!

This boy loves his tumbling class- just like his Papa Joe

This girls loves to swing!

Silly boys at the park

All ready for Church in her Sunday best.

He was so excited to go play the piano with Josh in between services at Church 

Fun at Jake's first birthday party

Fun in the ball pit at the Moore's house

Holding her bottle like a big girl

Yummy avocados 

Nap on Grandma Kim

Silly siblings

Fun at the Camas library story time

He always picks the trains to play with at the Doctors office.

Practicing with his new chopsticks- birthday present from Jameson

Dinner helpers in the kitchen 

Cutest Bumble bee I've ever seen