Matt's cousins, Baylee and Madison and their boyfriends all graduated this year. My in-laws hosted a graduation party at their house on Saturday. It was a lot of fun hanging out with so much of Matt's family! The day was spent playing corn hole, volleyball, frisbee and eating delicious home made mexican food, courtesy of Matt's mom. :)
The graduates… Brandon, Madison, Baylee and Ethan
Hudson proudly holding up a number 1 from Baylee… he and Baylee were buddies all day
Bapa and Great Bapa playing with Hudson… he loves his Bapa's
Uncle Josh teaching Hudson how to play the piano… I love how they are looking at each other.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Zoo Day
Thankfully, Hudson woke up fever free on Friday… so we headed to the zoo with my sister and her friend.
This river otter was quickly swimming back and forth and coming right up to the glass… Hudson was terrified to be close to the glass but was happy to watch in my arms. :)
Peeking at the animals in the farm.
They have too much fun together!
The sea lion was out sunbathing… it was a fun surprise.
The crew… Sophia, Lincoln, Hudson, Henry (sleeping) and Emmett
We walked through the newly renovated Great Northwest area.. the bears were looking quite silly. :)
Cute little "durdles" turtles
This river otter was quickly swimming back and forth and coming right up to the glass… Hudson was terrified to be close to the glass but was happy to watch in my arms. :)
The adults enjoyed the new condor exhibit…while the boys had fun being silly with each other.
Peeking at the animals in the farm.
They have too much fun together!
The sea lion was out sunbathing… it was a fun surprise.
The crew… Sophia, Lincoln, Hudson, Henry (sleeping) and Emmett
Sick boy...
Poor Hudson had a 102+ fever Wednesday… he basically slept on me the entire day. It was sad to see him feeling so sick. By Thursday, his fever was low grade and he was acting like himself again. He even wanted to play outside and help me water the plants for a bit.
When he wasn't sleeping on me, he was on the couch... poor buddy.
Filling his bucket with water… always being a good helper
When he wasn't sleeping on me, he was on the couch... poor buddy.
Filling his bucket with water… always being a good helper
Monday, June 16, 2014
Let's make play dough
Hudson is turning into quite the little cook… anytime Matt or I is in the kitchen, he pushes over a chair to help. Today, I thought it would be fun to make play dough together.
In the beginning, he was not sure what to do with it but then played for 10+ minutes. Surprisingly, he never once tried to eat any. He drove his "deees", cut and made an elephant with it. :)
Flour + salt + cream of tartar + oil + water + color = play dough
In the beginning, he was not sure what to do with it but then played for 10+ minutes. Surprisingly, he never once tried to eat any. He drove his "deees", cut and made an elephant with it. :)
Father's Day 2014
Sunday, we woke up to Hudson yelling at 5:45am… Ugh, late bed times always backfire. We snuggled in our bed for a bit, then headed downstairs to give Matt his gift. Matt's been on a frittata kick, so I made a chorizo one… it was delicious! We headed to church, then to Helvetia Tavern for lunch. Matt really wanted it and I wasn't going to argue because twice in one week is okay, right? ha!
After lunch we went to Matt's parent's house, Hudson and I hung out for a bit with his mom. Matt, his Grandpa, Dad and Brother headed to PIR to watch the races. Unfortunately they didn't see a race because they left early (it was down pouring). They did go to Spirit 77 and enjoyed their time together.
We gave my Dad his gift the night before. He spent Father's Day, happily golfing.
Helping Dada open his gift… whiskey rocks, a leather catch all tray and Hudson's masterpiece. :)
A cute little card from Hudson.
Hudson didn't want to make the footprint art, he kept saying "no,no" when I asked him if I could paint his feet. But once he made one print, we were able to make them for the Bapa's too. I think he might be coming around with the arts and crafts. ;)
My two favorites! So very thankful for the Dada, Matt is! Nothing makes me happier then seeing the two of them play together.
How cute is Hudson looking up at his Great Bapa?
Hudson's blessed to grow up around such a great group of men.
Sophia's Dance Recital/ Happy Birthday Hannah!
My niece's dance recital was on Saturday, and I wasn't going to miss my only niece doing tap. :) The theme of the show was Happily Ever After and all the songs were Disney related. Her class danced to "A Spoon Full of Sugar"… it was adorable and she was just the cutest!
You're not supposed to take pictures during the show so I have one of her after… Adorable!
After the recital, I met Matt and Hudson at my parent's house for my little sister's surprise party. Her husband and best friend planned a fun evening with friends and family. The kiddos and adults all had a great time in my parents big backyard!
I think she was surprised! ;)
A shot of Fireball for the birthday girl and her friends! Happy Birthday Han!
Sisters…love them!
Riding the ol' horse
Little boy pow wow in the playhouse. :)
Hugs for cousin Sophia... he loves her.
My parent's neighbors came over with their adorable puppy, Cooper! It almost made me want a dog. Ha!
Pop goes the monkey with Bapa Joe… Hudson gets so excited when the monkey pops out.
Dessert sharing with Auntie Hannah, the birthday girl.
Dancing in the cul-de-sac… the little boys were copying Sophia while she tapped her performance from earlier that day.
Playing with Grandma's train… this is usually the first thing he does when he gets to my parent's house.
I can't get over how cute they are!
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