Monday, April 21, 2014

18 months old

Today, our baby is 18 months old… I can't believe it. He's a blessing and I'm thankful to be his Momma. I love watching him grow, learn and explore new things. Each stage brings different challenges but so many rewarding ones as well. I enjoy spending my days with him and living life though his eyes, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Height: 32.68 inches (60%)
Weight: 25 lbs 1.6oz (64%) w/ clothes on

Breakfast @8ish, snack @10ish, lunch @11:30, snack @3ish, dinner @5:30. He continues to love food and eats about everything placed in front of him. His favorites include; noodles and applesauce pouches. He drinks about two, 9oz sippy cups of whole milk/day. He stopped nursing February 1st. (a little over 15 months)


He continues to be a great sleeper for both naps and nighttime. His nap is 12:30-2:30 or 3. Bedtime is at 7:30pm and he is usually up for the day at 7:30am. 

If he's not walking, he's running or climbing and trying to jump (his feet don't come off the ground). He continues to crawl up and down the stairs but likes to walk down if holding an adults hand. Holds fork with fist (continues to switch hands but mostly uses right). 

Words: Da (Duck), Baa (Balloon), Ma (moon), Noonles (noodles), Mow (lawn mower), Dzz zzz (Blazers), Mimber (Timber), Dow (Down)), Bee, Eeeow (we're not sure.. maybe E.I.E.I.O), Mama, Dada, Bapa (Papa), Hi, Heyo (bye bye), Bubble, Ball, Ba (book), Ne, while shaking head (No), Yeah, Nana (banana), Oh, Uh oh, Durdle (Turtle), Yeyo (yellow), Re (red), Shoe, Ahh (Hot) and probably a few I'm forgetting. At this point he will try and repeat anything you ask him to say. If he's feeling shy, he'll smile, put his head to his shoulder and giggle instead. 
Animal sounds: Elephant (blowing your lips together), Lion (Roar), Snake (sssss) and Giraffe (eating sound), Bird, Cow(booo), Horse (neh), Dog (AH,AH), 
Other sounds: Peee (pinches his nose when something is stinky, usually chaining his diaper), Airplane (whooooo), Train (choo choo), car (vroom), Blows (same as elephant sound)
Signs: Please (pats his chest) All done (hands shake in air) Thank you (hand to chin then pulled away) Eat (fingers together and to mouth) he also adds the sound "mm,mm". 

Cognitive: Recognizes and points to familiar faces in pictures when asked (Momma, Dada, Sophia, Lincoln, Jameson, Bapa, Grandma)Still likes all lights, fans, TV and candles to be turned off/blown out when leaving a room. When asked, he can point to his; Eyes, ears, nose, hair, mouth, belly button, toes and moles. 
Understands simple commands and questions. Examples.
-Did you go poopoo? he says, "Yeah" and walks to his bedroom to be changed.
-Do you want to... Take a bath? Shower? Get the mail? Go to the store? 
-When we ask how old he is, he holds up one finger.
Also, if he wants something and doesn't know the words, he'll point to it, say "Yeah" and giggle. Sometimes he says "Yeah" over and over. He also likes order and structure and like his Mom, is a little OCD. I've caught him picking up his boots when one has fallen over, touching one foot and having to touch the other to even it out. :)

Social: He is extremely ticklish, enjoys Patty-cake, This Little Piggy, Wheels on the Bus, waving (backwards), clapping, dancing, giving closed mouth kisses, blowing kisses, seeing his cousins or friend Jameson. Also, watching videos of himself or other people. Likes the 1 year olds at church (no longer is sad when we drop him off).  

Still likes to push buttons, flip light switches and also watch ceiling fans. Enjoys reading books (his choice), shape sorter, flute, harmonica, any toy with buttons to push, cars, ride along toys, music, bubbles, blocks, shooting hoops, playing golf and turning on and off the TV.

Building/stacking blocks
Driving his cars
Dancing to his CD- Loves his two Little People sound tracks (we listen in the car and also on our blue tooth player)
Book- It changes every couple of days, he does like books that have spots with different textures
Snacks- apple sauce pouches
Bath time-splashing, lining up his ducks and dogs
Being naked or just in a diaper 
Wagon rides
Seeing airplanes in the sky
Ceiling fans
Peek a boo (hide and jump out to scare him)
Finding his belly button and yours
Being tickled

We sure love you Hudson Matthew!

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