Tuesday, November 4, 2014


October 21st, Hudson turned two years old! I still can't believe our baby boy is already two. He loves life and learning new things. He's a big Mommy's boy (I love it) and we are so thankful for him and his sweet personality!

Height: 34 inches (50%)
Weight: 25.5 lbs (25%) 

All the time! Ha!
Breakfast @7:30/8ish, snack @10ish, lunch @11:30, snack @3ish, dinner @5:30. He still likes food and eats about everything placed in front of him. He's definitely a toddler and knows what, when and how much he wants to eat though. Favorites include; hot dogs, noodles, applesauce, yogurt and broccoli. He drinks about one or two, 9oz sippy cups of whole milk/day.


He's a great sleeper for both naps and nighttime. His nap is usually 12:30-2:30. Bedtime is 7:30/8pm and he is usually up for the day at 7/7:30am. Sleeps in his crib, big boy bed is being delivered Saturday.

Wears diapers but goes pee on the potty daily and tells us after he has pooped. Im thinking we will start potty training part 2 soon. :)

He loves to run, jump (feet come off the ground). Playing golf. He either walks down the stairs holding the wall/railing or scoots on his belly (quickest way) and sometimes on his "bum,bum". Holds fork with fist (continues to switch hands but mostly uses right). Swings, throws and kicks with his left. Fine motor-right hand/ Gross motor-left hand

He's talking a lot and can say 5-6 word sentences. He will try and say/repeat anything you ask him to. 
Cute Words: "Ditwit"(blanket), "Nenaw" (thank you), he now says please and doesn't sign it anymore (started at 2yrs old), "Doramma" (great grandma or when there is two grandmas around), "Owia"(Sophia), "Ninknin"(Lincoln), "Jamis" (Jameson), "Big Brother Boy"- he usually shouts this when you ask him what he'll be when his baby sister is born.
Doesn't say some of his consonants when they are in the beginning of a word; c, f, g, k, l, p, q, s, t

Cognitive: Knows colors, Recognizes letters of family members names (H, J, B, G, S, M, L, D and sometimes I, O and A). Traffic light signals: Red-stop, Yellow-slow, Green-Go

Social: He loves songs; Itsy, Bitsy Spider (shouts "washed the pider" while doing the hand motion), big kisses, hugs, likes seeing his cousins, grandparents or friend Jameson. Still loves watching "beos" (videos) on our phone. Had a great first day in 2 year olds at church- yay!,  Giving kisses to my belly ("Mommy's baby")

Building "nunnels" (Tunnels), playing trains, sliding, swinging, jumping from the ottoman to couch, playing in Mommy's car, 

Areas to improve:
His biggest struggle right now is sharing (it seems to be hardest at our house), removing and redirecting him to a different toy or place helps the situation. He occasionally will hit or bite a parent, or adult family member (we correlate it to being overly excited). Thankfully, he's never tried to bite a friend or cousin. 

"Bubble" (balloons and bubbles)
Building tunnels with Legos
Choo Choo trains
"Diggers"/ "Dumpers"
Thomas shows
Daniel Tiger shows
Listening to his music in the car
Books- It changes every couple of days, recently it's digger books and Singing Elmo potty book
Bath time-splashing, playing with his foam letter
Being naked or just in a diaper 
"Get you"- being chased

On his birthday, he wanted to go to Target and play with the diggers… we did just that! Later we met Matt at Costco because Hudson requested a hot dog for lunch. ;) Then he enjoyed a cupcake after dinner and being sung to. All week, he walked around saying "Habby Birtday Hudson" 

Took this at 8:10am on his birthday… time he was born two years ago. :)

 Target adventure!
Lunch at Costco with Daddy!

Excited about his ice-cream treat!

Happy Birthday Hudson! We love you so very much!!! 

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