Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2.5 years old!

Hudson, you are 2.5 years old today! I can't believe I've been your mom for that long, seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital. And now you are a big brother and a great one at that. I love you so much sweet boy!

All the time- almost always asking for a "nack"(snack)
Breakfast- O's, eggs, yogurt 
Favorites include; hot dogs, noodles, applesauce, yogurt and broccoli, pretzels, yogurt melts. He drinks about one or two, 9oz sippy cups of whole milk/day. Likes water at nap and bedtime and throughout the day.


He still takes a nap usually 12:30-2:30 but this is flexible with our plans. Bedtime is 7:30/8pm and he is usually up for the day at 6:45am. Sleeps in a full size bed with digger sheets. Occasionally he'll wake up in the middle of the night needing to be covered with his ditwits (blankets). Just in the last couple weeks he's started to leave his room when he wakes up, for five months he would call for us to get him. Bedtime songs: "Rocking around the Christmas tree", "Jesus love me" and Rock a bye baby

He's potty trained- started about a week after Harper was born and has been doing great since. Pee he figured out with minimal issues, poop took until this month. He occasionally will poop in his nap time or bedtime diaper when he wakes up. 

He loves riding his scooter (gift from Christmas). He's surprisingly fast and this month so brave going down hills. Playing golf (left hand). He now walks down the stairs holding the wall/railing. Holds fork with fist (usually right hand). Swings, throws and kicks with his left. Fine motor-right hand/ Gross motor-right hand.

Talks a lot and loves to have ongoing conversations. Says please and thank you. Can and will repeat what you say to him. 

Cognitive: Knows colors, recognizes all capital letters when he's in the mood. ;) Counts to 10 and sometimes to 20 missing a few numbers. Writes the letter H.

Social: He loves songs; Still loves watching "beos" (videos) on any phone he can get ahold of. He'll even sweet-talk you with an "I yup you" to get your phone.  Loves his sister and is so proud of her. Will say to anyone "she's my baby sister", is mostly gentle with her. He occasionally give her lingering hugs and likes to "pet" her face. Also loves to play with his cousin Lincoln and Zoe, Mary and Dominic (neighbor kids). He's a pleaser and doesn't like to disappoint… if he does, he'll make sure you're happy and will want to see you smile and say you're happy.

Building towers with his legos, playing trains (building "yong ones" (long ones). Coloring, playing play dough, racing cars down tracks. Bowling and playing games at Big Als
Park- sliding, swinging

Areas to improve:
His biggest struggle right now is sharing (it seems to be hardest at our house), removing and redirecting him to a different toy or place helps the situation. Time outs on the stairs for two minutes. He often whines when asking for things. Not saying the word "No"when he's asked to do something.

Playing with the pea gravel in the garage- filling his diggers and dumpers
Building towers with legos or blocks
His scooter
Wearing his helmet all the time
Thomas shows
Daniel Tiger shows
Polar Express the movie
Listening to his music in the car
Reading Books- Chicka Chicka boom boom but changes frequently 
Bath time- filling/dumping his ducks with water
Being chased around the house by Matt
Calls himself a "yucky" lucky boy


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