Brand new
February 18th- Hudson and I began our day like always. Snuggles in bed, followed by breakfast and getting ready for the day. We met my mom (Grandma Susie) at the hospital; My 39 week appointment was at 11am. All morning, contractions were coming and going but nothing too serious. Dr. Payne checked me; I was 3cm dilated and 100% effaced. She stripped my membranes (Hudson was born within 36hrs) and I went on my way, ready to face the day.
Before picking up Hudson, I stopped by Baby's R Us in Tigard to browse around and considered buying a breast pump but left empty handed. Contractions continued, they were not comfortable but I sill was in denial that labor was impending (I thought it would happen early the next morning).
I picked Hudson up and we headed home. Something inside me nudged me to stop at Baby's R Us again. Hudson fell asleep so I waited about 30 minutes in the parking lot talking to my friend Mindy. He woke up and we bought the breast pump. :) By this time it was about 3pm.
We made it home, had dinner as a family (our last as a family of 3), gave Hudson a bath and put him to bed. My contractions were 15ish minutes apart but still sporadic so I wasn't convinced it was labor. I called and talked to my mom about the possibility of being in labor... She assured me to call her if/when it was time. At 8:30pm I took a shower and Matt took my 39 week belly photo. About 9pm we went to bed and my contractions were 10-15 minutes apart. By 10pm I started timing them while Matt kept asking if we should go. I was hesitant and wanted to wait a little longer. For the next hour they were 3-6 minutes apart lasting about 45 seconds each. I couldn't deny it any longer… it was GO time. Matt woke Hudson who just wanted to go "back to bed" and I called my mom. We grabbed our bags and left for the hospital. At 11:45pm we gave Hudson to my parents, hugged and said our I love you's.
We walked into the hospital and I immediately had to pee. Once to the maternity floor, we checked in at 11:57pm. They brought us back to a triage room where they hooked me up to monitors and identified that I was 7.5-8cm dilated. WHAT?! I couldn't believe it. While being wheeled to a room, I was greeted by my amazing nurse. She asked if I wanted an epidural, I declined. I knew baby girl would be making her debut shortly.
At this point it was 12:15am, I breathed through a few more contractions and at 12:27, I felt the urge to push. The Doctor quickly came and introduced herself and checked my dilation… I was a 10. While checking, my water broke all over her… It was a loud and explosive pop. Ha!
12:29am I started to push and 7 minutes later at 12:36am, a crying and healthy baby girl was handed to me. She was perfect and I was overwhelmed with love for her. For the next hour she cried and nursed and I fell more in love.
The nurse weighed and gave her a bath. A pediatric nurse took her blood (I was GBS positive) her blood work came back perfect, thank you lord!
Matt texted the families and by 4am, Grandma Susie and Grandma Kim were meeting their new grand daughter (no name yet).
We moved to our postpartum room where we spent the next two nights with our sweet baby girl. It took us over 24 hours to decide on her name. She was either going to be Harper or Avery and even though most of my pregnancy she was Avery, a last minute change was made. :)
The rest of our family came to visit the next morning. Emily, Natalie and Nora came to visit as well. The Finkle's came and Dr.Payne (my OBGYN) who was on call at 7:30am (she missed my delivery by 6 hrs).
Pictures from our time in the hospital.

Thursday, Feb 19th… Big brother met his little sister. LOVE!
The rest of our family came to visit the next morning. Emily, Natalie and Nora came to visit as well. The Finkle's came and Dr.Payne (my OBGYN) who was on call at 7:30am (she missed my delivery by 6 hrs).
Pictures from our time in the hospital.
First bath
Happy Grandmas at 4am ;)
Grandma Susie
Grandma Kim
Thursday, Feb 19th… Big brother met his little sister. LOVE!
Proud Daddy
Aunties and Uncles
So proud to be a big brother!
First family of 4 picture.
He couldn't quit giving her kisses.
Matt and his Granny with Harper
Granny and her boys and Miss Harper
Dr. Payne meeting Harper
"Kiss her and pet her"
DooRamma (Granny) with her girl :)
Her first outfit from Grandma Kim.
Friends visiting
Marguerite meeting Harper
Daddy and Papa with their girl :)
Three generations
So thankful to be her Mommy!
Waiting to get discharged.
Yay… ready to go home.
How did I get so lucky?! Thank you Lord for this blessing and making me their Mommy.
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