Monday, November 23, 2015

Nine months old!

Harper is nine months old!

Weight- 17lbs 12oz (around 40%)
Height- 28 inches (around 60%) 
Her height is likely a little less than 28 inches.

Nicknames: Sister, Harps, Harpski, Miss, Baby Sister, Sinster, Sis, Baby Harper 

Eat: Still breast feeding every 3+ hours during the day (5 times sometimes 6 if she wakes up early). Still a great sleeper for about 11/12 hrs straight through the night, occasionally will wake up once in the middle of the night (usually teeth is the culprit). Still takes a bottle from anyone, around 5oz. Also drinks water from a sippy cup easily. Loves the binkie for naps, bedtime and anytime she gets her hands on one or is fussy. We still keep one attached to her.
Solids: She loves food and especially when she can feed herself. Still eats homemade purees but likes pouches too. New foods this month... eggs, pasta, meat. She eats oatmeal mixed with breast milk for breakfast and lately an egg too, and dry cheerios. Eats lunch (pureed veggie and/or fruit) around 11/11:30 and dinner (pureed veggie and/or fruit around 5/5:30 plus bites of what we are having for dinner. Loves puffs and mum mums for snacks. Still practicing signs- (more, all done), she usually giggles when you sign to her.
Sleep: Naps- Two: 9-10ish and 1:30-3:30. Starts on her back and flips to her belly to sleep. Wears sleep sack, and has a binkie.
Bedtime- I nurse her at 7ish and lay her down with binkie. Easily goes to sleep on her own. She's waking up around 7am. Sleeps on her belly in a sleep sack. She's usually a flexible sleeper and naps great in her crib, ergo (30 min), car and pac n play.
Activity: Started crawling a couple days after she turned 9 months. Sometimes she scoots around with one leg under her body. Still chews and sucks on everything. Likes to stand against things and can pull herself up to her knees not quite to standing yet. Still flaps her hands together when she's excited or just while playing. Loves peek a boo and patty cake and any song you sing to her. She still loves bath time, especially with Hudson.
Social: She's usually a happy baby but still hates being left in a room alone. Likes Moms full attention all the time. Occasionally will play solo from time to time. Very ticklish all over. Still a little talker, chatty and loud, especially if Hudson is around and being loud to her. Loves to stick her tongue out and will mimic it if you do it to her. Definitely has stranger anxiety even with family, she needs plenty of time to warm up to her surroundings. Does not like being told 'No' or have things taken from her. Adores her brother and is always looking for him, gives him the biggest smiles.

Teeth: 5 (2 on bottom, 3 on top) Two of the teeth came days after she turned 9 months old. She's been grinding them which is a terrible sound. 

Temperament: happy, determined and loud

Appearance: Still looks like Mommy. Big brown/green eyes, long eye lashes, dark hair finally starting to look fuller. Big cheeks. Beautiful olive complexion. 

Pictures from the last month...
9 month check up- thankful for a healthy girl

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