Hudson is three years old!
Height: 37 inches (50%)
Weight: 29.2 lbs (25%)
This boy loves food, that is if we can get him to sit still long enough to eat a meal...Snacks are his favorite! He's not picky but like most kids has days where he isn't interested, he would rather play.
Breakfast @7:30/8ish, snack @10ish, lunch @11:30/12, snack @3/4ish, dinner @5:30. And snacks is the car too. Favorites include; noodles, yogurt and broccoli. Also loves; bars, pouches, He drinks about one or two, 9oz sippy cups of whole milk/day. Juice and chocolate milk for special occasions.
He's still a good sleeper but went through a phase after Harper was born where he would wake up once in the middle of the night and either call for Mommy or come into our room. He wanted another hug, kiss and to be tucked in again. Thankfully after tucking him in, he goes right back to sleep on his own. His nap is usually 1-3ish. Bedtime is 8/8:30pm and he is usually up for the day at 7/7:30am. Has slept in a big boy bed since shortly after turning 2. Transitioned great and never left his room for months. For months he would call and wait for us to come and get him. He likes two aden and anais and one soft blanket covering him. Also sleeps with his Duck pillow and monkey. White noise on too.
Potty trained at 2.5 years old (April). Still wears pull ups at nap and bedtime.
He loves; baseball, soccer (soccer class in spring and summer), golf. Holds fork with fist (continues to switch hands). Swings, throws and kicks with his left. Fine motor-right and left hand/ Gross motor-left hand. We likely have a lefty!
He's a chatter box and has a growing vocabulary. People always comment on his language and how well he can talk. Likes to ask why and always wants to know more and asks about how things work.
Cute Words: Fooie (smoothie), got (forgot), crow (throw), hind (behind),
Doesn't say some of his consonants when they are in the beginning of a word; c, f, g, k, l, p, q, s, t
Cognitive: Knows colors, Recognizes most letters but occasionally needs reminders. Counts to 10 like a champ and to 20 but mixes up a few of the teens, knows common shapes. Counts 1:1 correspondence up to 5, sometimes more.
Social: He loves songs, big kisses, hugs, Harper, Lincoln and Sophia . Likes watching videos or the cat game on the phone. Does great at church and is so excited to be with Lincoln in the 3's class, still very attached to Mom and always wants me around. He often says, "I want you mommy." (I promise, he gets my attention)
Building towers, legos (duples), magnet blocks, Cars (Radiator springs), riding around on his car that makes music, scooter, playing baseball (he puts socks on his hand in place of a mit)
Areas to improve:
Still working on using his words before immediately crying when faced with a peer problem. Whining and demanding tone. Use timeouts and occasionally spank (that is rare). Mommy dependence.
Building towers/castles with Legos and magnet blocks
Mac truck
Thomas shows
Daniel Tiger shows
Listening to "His" music in the car (veggies tales)
Bath time-splashing, playing with Harper
Naked time
Hudsonism: This kids says some funny things!
Feb '15
Hudson to Mommy: "I eat your nip too"
April 15th '15
Hudson: "I want to feed her"
Mommy: "with what?"
Hudson: "with your nip"
July 13th '15
Matt putting Hudson to bed
Hudson- "I want mommy to sing with me"
Matt- "Well she's feeding Harper and putting her to bed."
Hudson- "Well I wait for her and she sing a couple songs" while holding up his two pointer fingers.
July 15th '15
While drawing a stick picture of Hudson at dinner, he said "draw my peepee too" 😳 😂
July 19th '15
While driving Grandma's pink car.
Hudson- "I'm going to work, my works in here."
Mom- "What do you do for work?"
Hudson- "Spend all the money"
July 19th '15
Hudson- "Where's your dog?"
Grandma Susie- "We don't have a dog."
Hudson- "What you have?"
Grandma Susie- "We have a cat."
Hudson- "Where's is your cat?"
Hudson- "Where's Gracie?"
Grandma Susie- "We haven't seen her."
With Grandma Kim:
At the circus, covering his ears...
"Grandma, it's a yittle youd for my ears."
"I'm gonna tell dayee the cotton candy is very sticky on his hands and face."
Getting to our house after the house is a bit messy...vacuum laying on family room floor...
"Grandma, you need to put your vacuum cleaner away in the garage."
I kind of ignored it, but he wouldn't let it go until we had it tucked away in the garage. He helped me carry it out. :)
While we were playing McDonald's...
"Grandma, we're just attending." (pretending)
When we walk into the hospital, he greets everyone with a sweet "Hi." He gave the doctor and Bob a hi five, hugged on Marguerite and Doo-Rama. Such a nice little boy. I was so proud of him.
"Is papa in the amulance? Why is he at the hosipal? I'm ready to go now, grandma."
On the way home...
"Grandma, I didn't love coming to your house. I don't love you, Grandma."
I said, Oh that makes grandma so sad. I love you so much!
Then he said, "I love you!" (little fart!)
September 25th, '15
Said to Mommy:
"Maybe when you got married, you got nips and rings"
November 1st '15
"There's a crack in my sock" (hole in his sock)
November 3rd '15
Mom- "what does Daddy do at work?"
Hudson- "make a lot of money for me to put in my bank, and mommy helps and so do I, Harper just watches until she's bigger and can work too."
"It's hind us" (behind us)
"Let's crow the ball" (throw the ball)
"Oh no, I got my ball." (forgot)
Hudson to Mommy: "I eat your nip too"
April 15th '15
Hudson: "I want to feed her"
Mommy: "with what?"
Hudson: "with your nip"
July 13th '15
Matt putting Hudson to bed
Hudson- "I want mommy to sing with me"
Matt- "Well she's feeding Harper and putting her to bed."
Hudson- "Well I wait for her and she sing a couple songs" while holding up his two pointer fingers.
July 15th '15
While drawing a stick picture of Hudson at dinner, he said "draw my peepee too" 😳 😂
July 19th '15
While driving Grandma's pink car.
Hudson- "I'm going to work, my works in here."
Mom- "What do you do for work?"
Hudson- "Spend all the money"
July 19th '15
Hudson- "Where's your dog?"
Grandma Susie- "We don't have a dog."
Hudson- "What you have?"
Grandma Susie- "We have a cat."
Hudson- "Where's is your cat?"
Hudson- "Where's Gracie?"
Grandma Susie- "We haven't seen her."
With Grandma Kim:
At the circus, covering his ears...
"Grandma, it's a yittle youd for my ears."
"I'm gonna tell dayee the cotton candy is very sticky on his hands and face."
Getting to our house after the house is a bit messy...vacuum laying on family room floor...
"Grandma, you need to put your vacuum cleaner away in the garage."
I kind of ignored it, but he wouldn't let it go until we had it tucked away in the garage. He helped me carry it out. :)
While we were playing McDonald's...
"Grandma, we're just attending." (pretending)
When we walk into the hospital, he greets everyone with a sweet "Hi." He gave the doctor and Bob a hi five, hugged on Marguerite and Doo-Rama. Such a nice little boy. I was so proud of him.
"Is papa in the amulance? Why is he at the hosipal? I'm ready to go now, grandma."
On the way home...
"Grandma, I didn't love coming to your house. I don't love you, Grandma."
I said, Oh that makes grandma so sad. I love you so much!
Then he said, "I love you!" (little fart!)
September 25th, '15
Said to Mommy:
"Maybe when you got married, you got nips and rings"
November 1st '15
"There's a crack in my sock" (hole in his sock)
November 3rd '15
Mom- "what does Daddy do at work?"
Hudson- "make a lot of money for me to put in my bank, and mommy helps and so do I, Harper just watches until she's bigger and can work too."
"It's hind us" (behind us)
"Let's crow the ball" (throw the ball)
"Oh no, I got my ball." (forgot)
Here's a couple pictures from his three year check up.. such a big boy getting his blood pressure. ;)
On his birthday, he wanted to go to Big Als and Jamba Juice, so that's what we did. ;) And one more picture because I just can't help it.
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These two could make my heart explode! |
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