Nicknames: The Robison's call her "Bayee Sister", Matt and I usually say "baby sister" and Hudson likes to call her "Harps" or "Harpski"
Eat: Breastfeeds about every 4 hours during the day (4 times). Sometimes needs to nurse if she wakes up in the middle of the night or early morning (rare). Still takes a bottle when Mom is not available. ;) She drinks about 3oz. sometimes less. Drinks from a sippy cup, but still drops it instead of placing it on her highchair. I don't know what it is about my kids... haha! She still loves her binkie and takes one for naps, bedtime and anytime she finds one laying around or is fussy.
Solids: She continues to be a very adventurous eater and eats anything and everything you put in front of her. Occasionally she has spit out oranges, I'm thinking its because they are sour. She fully feeds herself, using the pincher grasp or full fist. ha! Eats from pouches if were on the go. She eats two eggs every morning and some fruit for breakfast. She LOVES eggs! Eats lunch around 11/11:30 but lately will eat whatever we are eating. Using cut up lunch meat, veggie and fruit. Dinner, she eats whatever we are eating around 5:30pm. Snacks, she loves puffs and mum mums. She is still working on more and all done for signing.
Solids: She continues to be a very adventurous eater and eats anything and everything you put in front of her. Occasionally she has spit out oranges, I'm thinking its because they are sour. She fully feeds herself, using the pincher grasp or full fist. ha! Eats from pouches if were on the go. She eats two eggs every morning and some fruit for breakfast. She LOVES eggs! Eats lunch around 11/11:30 but lately will eat whatever we are eating. Using cut up lunch meat, veggie and fruit. Dinner, she eats whatever we are eating around 5:30pm. Snacks, she loves puffs and mum mums. She is still working on more and all done for signing.
Sleep: Naps- Two: 9:30-11 and 1:30/2-3:30. Starts on her back and flips to her belly to sleep. Wears sleep sack, and has a binkie.
Bedtime- I nurse her at 7pm and lay her down with binkie. Goes right to sleep on her own. She's waking up around 6:30am. Still a pretty flexible sleeper and naps great in her crib, car and the pac n play.
Bedtime- I nurse her at 7pm and lay her down with binkie. Goes right to sleep on her own. She's waking up around 6:30am. Still a pretty flexible sleeper and naps great in her crib, car and the pac n play.
Activity: Is crawling everywhere with ease. We let her climb up the stairs when someone is there to stand behind her. Hudson still is a big helper when she goes near the stairs. Climbs behind her until a parent can get there. Puts most things in her mouth. Likes to stand against things and can pull herself up to standing. Favorite games are peek a boo and patty cake and any song you sing to her. She also dances when she hears music. Bath time is always a favorite, especially with Hudson. She sits in the big tub with Hudson now. Wants Mommy ALL THE TIME, I'm her favorite! She is clingy and it can be exhausting but I remind myself, it's this season and won't be forever. So I try and enjoy all the Harper/ Mommy time. ;)
Social: Has been playing by herself for longer periods. Usually goes for Hudson's toys first. Doesn't like when people leave the room especially, Mama. Is very ticklish all over. Is very chatty and loud, especially if Hudson is around and being loud to her. Still sticks her tongue out and mimics it if you do it to her. Definitely has stranger anxiety, she needs plenty of time to warm up to her surroundings. Does not like being told 'No' or have things taken from her. She will cry and get mad! Adores her brother and is always looking for him, gives him big smiles. Knows how to wave but won't always do it on command.
Words: Mama and a whole lot of babbaling
Teeth: 6 (2 on bottom, 4 on top)
Words: Mama and a whole lot of babbaling
Teeth: 6 (2 on bottom, 4 on top)
Temperament: busy, high maintenance, determined and vocal
Appearance: Big brown/green eyes, long eye lashes, dark hair, big cheeks. Olive complexion. Some people have said she is looking like Me and even Hudson too. I think she is a good combination of both Matt and I.
Pictures from the last month...
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