Monday, February 22, 2016


Harper is one!

Weight- 19lbs 1oz (around 50%)
Height- 29 inches (around 50%)

Nicknames: The Robison's still call her "Bayee Sister", Matt says "baby sister", I say 'baby sister", "little sister", "harps" and Hudson likes to call her "Harps" or "Harpski"

Eat: Still breastfeeding about every 4 hours during the day (4 times). Still takes a bottle from anyone. She drinks about 3oz. sometimes less. Drinks from a sippy cup, but still drops it instead of placing it on her highchair. I don't know what it is about my kids... haha! She still loves her binkie and takes its anytime and anywhere.
Solids: This girl loves to eat, just like her brother did! I feel lucky she is such an adventurous eater. She fully feeds herself with her hands, using the pincher grasp or full fist. ha! Eats from pouches if were on the go. She eats two eggs and fruit for breakfast or sometimes oatmeal for a change. But she loves eggs! Also loves Avocado, I would say they are her favorite but she makes the biggest mess when eating them. Eats lunch around 11/11:30 but lately will eat whatever we are eating. Usually cut up lunch meat, cheese, peas and fruit. Dinner, she eats whatever we are eating around 5:30pm. Snacks, she loves puffs and mum mums. Has started to sign "more" by clapping her hands together.

Sleep: Naps- Two: 9/9:30am for usually 1-1.5 hours and 1/1:30 for 2ish hours. Starts on her back and flips to her belly to sleep. Wears sleep sack,has a binkie and white noise. Also, this week I added her soft blanket to snuggle up too.
Bedtime- I nurse her at 7pm and lay her down with binkie. Goes right to sleep on her own. If she doesn't go to sleep right away and cries it's usually because she dropped her binkie. She's waking up between 6 and 6:30am. Early bird! Still a pretty flexible sleeper and naps great in her crib, car and the pac n play (usually cries some).

Activity: Took three steps today and is standing for short periods of time. Still crawling everywhere with ease. We let her climb up the stairs when someone is there to stand behind her. At the top of the stairs she knows to go on her belly with feet first but doesn't know how to go down by herself. Cruises around furniture with ease. Will walk while someone holds both of her hands. Still enjoys peek a boo and patty cake and any song you sing to her. She loves to dance and wiggle when she hears all styles of music or singing. Bath time is always a favorite, especially with Hudson. The last month or so she likes to crawl around with a Lego (a hose from the gas or fire set) hanging out of her mouth, it's hilarious. Loves bubbles and to hold her baby and rock back and forth. It's so cute!

Social: Mommy is still her favorite and if I'm in the room, she rarely will go to anyone other than me. Does love Daddy and will smile and flap her hands when she sees him after work. It's adorable!  Still very clingy and wants to be held most of the time. Has big stranger anxiety and sometimes will cry if someone unfamiliar just looks at her. Needs time to warm up to even family members. Will play by herself or near Hudson if I'm cooking or busy. Doesn't like when people leave the room especially, Mama. Is very ticklish all over. Is very chatty and loud, especially if Hudson is around and being loud to her. Adores her brother and is always looking for him, gives him big smiles. Waves and gives big open mouth kisses...always on her time.

Words: "Mama", "Dada" and said "Ba" for bow babbling

Teeth: 6 (2 on bottom, 4 on top)

Temperament: serious and determined

Appearance: Big brown/green eyes, long eye lashes, dark hair, big cheeks. Olive complexion. Some people have said she is looking like Me and even Hudson too. I think she is a good combination of both Matt and I.

Pictures from the last month...

1 comment:

  1. awesome.
    have a great day.
