Thursday, January 23, 2014

15 months old

Hudson turned 15 months on Tuesday. We spent our cold morning at the park and he loved every bit of it.  Swinging is still a favorite and he spent the whole morning doing just that.

Yesterday he had his well check appointment.  He's happy, healthy and growing like a weed. 

Height: 31 inches (50%)
Weight: 22 lbs. 10.6oz (25%)

He loves food and eats almost anything placed in front of him. His favorites include; bananas, applesauce, noodles and frozen peas. He's nursing once at night before bed. 

Number 13 cut on Tuesday.

He continues to be a great sleeper for both naps and nighttime. He went to one nap around 14 months and sleeps between 2-3 hrs; 12:30-3ish. Bedtime is at 7:30pm and he is usually up for the day at 7:30am. 

He started walking exclusively after the New Year. Crawls up stairs and slides down feet first on his tummy. Holds fork with fist (switches hands). Likes to climb on our ottoman, into baskets and boxes (I see a monkey in our future)

Words: Mama, Dada, Bapa (papa), Heyo (hello, bye bye), Bubble, Ball, Ba (book), Yeah, Nana (banana), Oh, Uh oh, Oh Ch (oh shoot), not sure where he picked the last word up. :-/ 
Animal sounds: Elephant, Lion, Snake and Giraffe.
Signs: Please (pats his chest) All done (hands shake in air) Thank you (looks like blowing a kiss) Eat (fingers together and to your mouth).

Cognitive: Recognizes familiar faces in pictures (Mom, Dad, Sophia, Lincoln, Jameson), All lights, TV, candles have to be turned off/blown out when leaving a room. When asked, he can point to his; Eyes, ears, nose, hair, belly button, toes. 
Understands simple commands and questions. Examples.
-Did you go poopoo? he says, "Yeah" and walks to his bedroom to be changed.
-Do you want to... Take a bath? Shower? Get the mail? 

Social: Enjoys Patty-cake, This Little Piggy, Wheels on the Bus, waving (backwards), clapping, dancing, giving big open mouth kisses, blowing kisses, seeing his cousins or friend Jameson. Likes our weekly story-time at the library, and watching videos of himself or other babies. Is more comfortable being dropped off in the Church 1 year olds. 

LOVES to push buttons. Enjoys reading books (his choice), shape sorter and puzzles (with help), flute, harmonica, any toy with buttons to push, cars, ride along toys, his dog that sings.

Shoes- Moccasins 
CD- Little People, Sunday School Sing-Along (wants this playing 24/7)
Book- Trucks
Snacks- Puffs, Yogurt melts
Bath time
Being naked or just in a diaper 
Walking to the mailbox
Seeing airplanes in the sky
Peek a boo (hide and jump out to scare him)
"Get you" being chased after
Finding his belly button and yours

Silly boy in Daddy's shirt

Monday, January 20, 2014

Snip, snip

Hudson had his first haircut on January 4th.  Matt and I were both nervous but knew it was time.  I love his curls and wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet, so a trim it was.  We went to a really cute, children's place called 'Little Snippers'.  He sat in a yellow Hummer and couldn't quit pushing the buttons.  If you know Hudson at all, this would not come as a surprise. :)  When the hairdresser was finished, she said she took an inch off the back. Crazy! After only a few tears, Hudson enjoyed bubbles while I have a keepsake of his curls. 

Pushing the doorbell on the house before his turn

Checking out his cape
Snip, snip
"Mom, what is she doing to me?"
My handsome boy enjoying bubbles!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A New Year... A New Blog!

I'm happy to have joined the blogging world!  I look forward to capturing and sharing our days with you.  More to come soon.

I'll leave you with a cute face you'll be seeing a lot more of around here.