Friday, June 19, 2015

Four months old!

Harper is four months old today!

Weight: 14lbs 4oz - 50%
Length: 24.5 inches - 50%

Nicknames: Sister, Harps, Harpski, Miss

Eat: Breast feeds every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day, usually 2.5 hrs. Goes 11-12 hrs between feedings at night. Still takes a bottle great. Is gassy just like her bother was, usually burps in the middle and at the end of a feeding.  Doesn't take a Binkie very well. She favors sucking on her ring and middle finger.

Sleep: Naps 3-4 times a day. Usually 30-45 minutes with one longer stretch too. She usually cries for a few minutes (sometimes less, sometimes more) until she finds her fingers. Bedtime- I feed her at 7:00 ish and lay her down after about 30 min of nursing. If she wakes up when I lay her down, she puts herself to sleep with no tears (full belly). She's up between 6:45-7:30am. Sleeps on her back in a sleep sack. She's a flexible sleeper and can nap in her crib, ergo, car and pac n play.

Activity: She's awake for about 1.5hrs to 2hrs after she eats before she's ready for another nap, sometimes just a short cat nap. Still enjoys laying under her play mat and bats at her toys. Also likes sucking on her pink elephant, and pink rattle ball with holes. Loves to smile at her reflection and others. Sits in her Bumbo at least once a day.  She does great on her tummy and her neck control is pretty strong. She's close to rolling from her back to her tummy and can get her body on her side. Rolled over from belly to back at four month check up. 

Social: She's a very happy baby and pretty easy going. She loves the Ergo, and easily falls asleep if she's tired. She's ticklish on her neck (under chin). Giggles on occasion, usually at her brother. :)  It's quite adorable! Took her to the library story time with Hudson last week and walked in to a large crowd of people, she quickly started crying (maybe overwhelmed?) it was a first. Hoping if we get there early next time, she won't get upset by all the people. She's very chatty and found her voice a week or so ago. Still lets anyone hold her with no problem. Does great at the church nursery.

Temperament: Very sweet and happy. When fussy, it's because she's tired, hungry and sometimes between 6-7pm is tough too. Also when Hudson shouts in her face, or smothers her with kisses and pets. ha!

Appearance: People say you look like your brother. She's mostly bald with a little bit of dark hair, slowly growing in.  Dark complexion, with the Boland nose and smiley eyes. Her eyes are bigger, like Mommy's. She has big, kissable cheeks and is adorable!

Harper, you are such a blessing to our family and I still can't believe you are mine.  I never thought I would have a daughter and you are my little dream come true. Thank you for always smiling and bringing so much joy to me. I love you!

Love, Mommy

A few pics from the month.

Swinging at Grandma Susie's house.

The two finger suck. I love it!


Happy girl!

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