Thursday, July 23, 2015

Five months old!

Harper turned five months old on Sunday!

Stats: to come at 6 months

Nicknames: Sister, Harps, Harpski, Miss, Baby Sister, Sinster

Eat: Breast feeds every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day, usually 2.5 hrs (6 times). Goes 11-12 hrs between feedings at night. Takes a bottle, can be stubborn in the beginning. Still very gassy, usually burps in the middle and a couple times at the end of a feeding.  She doesn't suck on her two fingers much anymore, but takes a binkie.

Sleep: Naps 3-4 times a day. Length is between 30-1.5 hrs. She had a rough couple weeks where she wouldn't go down easily for a nap. Sometimes crying for awhile which is always hard. She just flat out fought naps. But then about a week before she turned five months, something changed and she is so much better. She likes the binky, but usually chews on it and eventually bunches up her sleep sack by her face. Will fuss a little bit sometimes but has been doing so much better the past week with little fight.
Bedtime- I feed her at 7:00 ish and lay her down after about 30 min of nursing. If she wakes up when I lay her down, she puts herself to sleep with no tears (full belly). She's up between 6:45-7:30am. Sleeps on her back in a sleep sack. She's a flexible sleeper and can nap in her crib, ergo, car and pac n play when tired.

Activity: She's awake for about 1.5hrs to 2hrs after she eats before she's ready for another nap, sometimes just a short cat nap. Still enjoys laying under her play mat and bats at her toys. We brought down her swing which she enjoys at times too. Loves to chew/suck on everything, possibly teething. Loves to smile at her reflection and others. Sits in her Bumbo at least once a day.  Does fine on her tummy for a while but will let you know when she's tired of it. She's rolled from her back to her tummy once but rolls to her side all the time. Has rolled from tummy to back a handful of times. But she's camera shy. 

Social: She's a very happy baby and pretty easy going. Still likes the Ergo, and easily falls asleep if she's tired, otherwise will look around for a bit before wanting to face out. She's very ticklish, all over. Giggles at her brother and sometimes during peek a boo. :)  It's quite adorable! Still chatty and her voice is high pitches which is adorable. She is blowing bubbles(raspberries), so very cute! Still lets most anyone hold her, unless she is hungry and gets fussy. Her number was called at church a few weeks ago, she got upset over something. I think it was a combination of hunger and tiredness.

Teeth: No teeth but drools like crazy and has been for the past couple months.  Stay tuned; we may see a couple teeth this month. 

Temperament: Very sweet and happy. When fussy, it's because she's tired, hungry and usually between 6-7pm is her witching hour.

Appearance: People say she looks like me (Momma) and Sophia her cousin. She's still bald with some  dark hair, very slowly growing in.  Still has her dark skin and big smiley eyes. And her cheeks are still big and kissable!!!

Pictures from the past month…

We love you baby girl!

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