Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Six months old!

Harper is six months old!

Weight-16lbs (50%)
Height- 24 inches (50%)

Nicknames: Sister, Harps, Harpski, Miss, Baby Sister, Sinster

Eat: Breast feeds every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day, usually 2.5 hrs (6 times). Goes 11-12 hrs between feedings at night. Takes a bottle...yay! Always burps at the end of a feeding.  She is taking a binkie these days. Usually for naps and occasionally when she's fussy.
Solids: Started oatmeal on her six month birthday and she likes it. She eats in the morning about an hour after she wakes up and has nursed. Sits in her Bumbo.

Sleep: Naps 3-4 times a day. Length is between 30-1.5 hrs. Sometimes cries when you first lay her down but usually less than 5 minutes. In Sunriver she started rolling onto her tummy and wouldn't role back. Fell asleep many times on her belly. I would flip her if she did it at night. Wears sleep sack and bunches it up by her face, just like her big brother used to do. Starts to shout when she's tired (just like brother).
Bedtime- I feed her at 7:00 ish (sometimes earlier and can be as late as 8 or 8:30 if we were out) and lay her down after about 30 min of nursing. If she wakes up when I lay her down, she puts herself to sleep with no tears (full belly). She's been up consistently around 6:30am. Sleeps on her back in a sleep sack. She's a flexible sleeper and can nap in her crib, ergo, car and pac n play when tired and with some rocking/singing to.

Activity: She's awake for about 2-2.5hrs after she eats before she's ready for another nap, sometimes just a short cat nap. Occasionally she's been up 3 or 4 but is usually very fussy. Started sitting up with no support on her six month birthday. Loves to chew/suck on everything.  Loves to smile at her reflection and other people if she's in the right mood. Sits in her Bumbo at least once a day.  Does fine on her tummy for a while but will fuss when she's done. She's rolled from her back to her tummy all the time and now refuses to roll belly to back. Flaps her hands together.

Social: She's a very happy baby and pretty easy going. Still likes the Ergo, and easily falls asleep if she's tired, otherwise will look around for a bit before wanting to face out. She's very ticklish, all over. Loves to look at her brother in the car and will giggle at his crazy antics (usually involving a "ROAR").  It's quite adorable seeing them interact together, especially in the car! Still chatty and loud. Loves to blow raspberries. Still lets most anyone hold her, unless she is hungry and gets fussy or if she sees Mommy. Knows her name, turns when she hears it.

Teeth: 2- bottom front... came in days apart.

Temperament: Sweet and mostly happy. When fussy, it's because she's tired, hungry and evenings, usually between 6-7pm.

Appearance: Still looks like Mommy. Big brown eyes, dark hair that is slowly growing in. And cheeks for days.

Pictures from the past month…


Thank you for your smiles and sweet giggles little sister. 

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